Full time travel

Asia chapter

“Happiness is only real when shared” that’s why we are looking forward to living our adventure together!

click on the pic for the video. For english subtitles, please select them on Youtube


Behind BEYOND THE TRIP is us, Angela and Paolo.

From the outside we can look like a quiet couple: married from April, commuters in Milan from Monday to Friday and lovers of walks and in the mountains on weekends.
All normal, except that we have a dream, and we finally found the courage to follow it… become permanent travelers.
Yeah, we know. We’re very lucky people. Two permanent jobs, a house built with fatigue, a steady paycheck. The possibility of paying bills and some travel…
But just as we can relax in the stability we now have, we decide to jump into the void.
This is because we realized that life we had built was not really what we wanted: the hard work has become almost a leash, every day travelling to Milan, timetables, deadlines, commitments, not enough time to follow our passions…  the days, all the same, were going too fast!
So we thought a lot, we did some calculations, we listened to some advice and looked for the answers for years – and today we have finally found them. It will be a leap in 2, so if from one side we can support each other in difficult times, on the other hand, we will have both to learn to fly.



January 2018, 2 permanent employees became  2 permanent travellers.
We bought the one way ticket and on January the 09th, 2018 we left our home in Lecco, destination Kuala Lumpur. Our adventure in South East Asia starts from there!!


We’re not rich, we have no rents and no notary in the family! 🙂
We put away something to leave and we’ll try to work to fund our trip at 100 %. We gave ourselves a daily budget of $ 10 per head, with which we’ll have to sleep, eat and move with public transport.
Our motto is #REAL LIFE #REAL PLACES #REAL PEOPLE: a trip with and like the locals to live a full experience.
#REAL LIFE: local options, local accomodations, local food… that’s how we’re used to travel and that’s what we’ll do on our long journey.
We believe there is no better way to know a country than to get in close contact (sometimes very close contact) with people who live there. We will share our adventure with all of them (in addition to back pain for long journeys on buses or trains).
#REAL PLACES: for us the journey means a backpack on our shoulder! We are convinced that traveling this way every building, every landscape, every place takes a different and deeper meaning…Arriving at Machu Picchu at dawn, after a long walk in the forest, makes it appear in a different light.
#REAL PEOPLE: when we travel, we are just Angela and Paolo: two normal people among others like us. So there’s nothing unusual about talking about weddings with a girl who lives on a floating island of lake Titicaca, or about remedies against sunburn with a lady who massages on a beach in Thailand.


We chose to pursue our dreams of, magical places, unexpected encounters and exotic foods.
So with a lot of unconsciousness, some courage and very excited we finally decided to try to do what we love… Travel!
We’ll tell out adventures, even the “behind the scenes” sometimes fun, sometimes embarrassing or exciting.
Our social pages Facebook, Instagram e Twitter will become travel diaries with all the events of our daily life!
On our Youtube channel, you’ll find videos that will make our experience more #REAL: noises, colors, voices (for smell we are still working 🙂 )

project people""

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