The long way to Quilotoa – Ecuador

When you organize a DIY trip, many little things could go wrong.
The bus could be broken or delayed, cows could become obstacles on the road, a strike could stop an entire country for days etc etc…

During our trip to Quilotoa, the “uninvited friend” was the fog!
But let’s start from the beginning.

fog quilotoa

It’s early in the morning when we leave Quito and catch a bus to Zumbahua.
Today, we will see one of Ecuador’s natural wonders: the Quilotoa crater lake.
HERE you can find the whole trip
We knew bus journeys were really long in Ecuador, but before catching one we couldn’t realize what “long” really meant…
We arrive in Zumbahua in the afternoon. It’s a really small but picturesque village with few inhabitants, which lays among high mountains.
Hostal Còndor Matzi is the place we choose to sleep. It’s located in the middle of the tiny square and owned by a welcoming and friendly family.
Back on the bus, we are getting closer and closer to the Quilotoa crater!
The road which takes us there is breath-taking and the greenish landscape simply amazing.
We are now at the entrance of the path that leads to the crater… we are so excited!!

zumbahua weather

It’s raining on the path and there’s a strong fog, but we don’t give up: it will be better once there (we think!)
Sadly, when we get to the panoramic viewpoint there’s nothing panoramic to see: only white clouds and fog!
There’s a lady with a mule that helps tourists on the way back from the crater.
We ask her if there’s any chance to see the Quilota lake, but she confirms: no se puede mirar nada! (You can’t see anything!)

woman quilotoa

We are sad and wet when we get back to Zumbahua. It’s a bit late and all the small restaurants are closed. The only option left are 2 tasty salchipapas for 1$ each  before going to bed.


salchipapa ecuador
The day after, we are really positive. Back on the bus, quick walk to the viewpoint and here it is… or maybe not! It’s still too foggy! ☹
We ask the guy at the entrance if we will be luckier today… he smiles and says that we just need to wait for the wind to move the clouds away.
Now we are really excited!!
So, with our new friend Skaty (a funny dog), we start our descendant towards the crater and suddenly the wonder is in front of us: the lake is stunning! A view we will never forget!
 “It is the uncertainty that charms one. A mist makes things wonderful.” By Oscar Wilde

quilotoa with friends


HERE all the other posts related to Ecuador

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